Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 31: Getting ready to leave the continental US for over a week.  Challenge #1, keeping up with the healthy eating habits that I've accustomed myself to, still maintaining the number of times a day I eat or increase to 6 a day. Challenge #2, completing the 5 weekly exercises in an effective matter. I will have plenty of resources for working out so there are no excuses, other than it being difficult towards the end of the trip when I have set engagements. As for Today... my Body is extremely sore like never before. I did an upper body workout at the 7:30PM class the day before yesterday, and the next day (yesterday), I attended the 6:15PM class and what do you know..... yup, it was their turn for upper body. OH BOY! I pushed as hard as I could but felt like my best was not my best at all since I was struggling so much. I Learned that I should definitely start asking what classes are working on which body parts because I really don't like it when my workout goes from good pain to pure torture.  But then again...
Observations that I have made for reducing side abdominal cramping is drinking a Shakeology shake 2.5 hours before my work out instead of a meal, and of course plenty of water through out the day. I have steadily been reducing inches and weight and also continuously improving on my fit test. Raised from level 2 exercises to level 3 in about 75% of the areas being tested. That was super exciting :) My Goal for the next week is to meet and successfully complete Challenges #1 & #2.  I'm very excited to see that the work being put in is slowly but surely showing results. Like I've told my girls, "My pants are no longer trying to Kill Me! Yeeeyy!" hahaha!!  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 16: So it's the second day in of the third week. There has been some days that I've walked out of the studio proud and energized for the work put in, and other days where I wished I didn't have muscle cramps and pain to push even harder. Trying out different shoes and managing water intake to avoid these. It's pretty much trial and error and getting to know my body, making the proper adjustments to avoid pain and push through the work out as hard as I can. I have been retaining a lot of water. Learned that green tea is a huge help to cleanse the body. I'd recommend it to every one! The past 4-5 days I've been feeling fatigued and sluggish, but with the green tea that I had yesterday, I can see a difference in my legs and energy level. It's not easy to work with that kind of pain, but all I can do is push through and do my best. Planning in having another cup of green tea today and walking around the building to improve circulation at least once an hour.

I was excited to see that the Fit Test numbers really increased! I was not the happiest when I saw the number difference for the weight loss and total inches lost, but keeping in mind that my body fat % did decrease. So this week I'm definitely gonna give my full concentration on eating more often. That's has always been a struggle. I have improved on eating more that 1-2 times a day but I need to push for 5-6. Through out the last week, Monday and Tuesday were challenging days, Wednesday July 4th noon work out was a challenging day as well but felt amazing after the work out. I felt so good that I went to the pool shortly after :) Maybe it's because it was earlier in the day and had the day off from work. Thursday was really good too. NEVER easy, but got closer to finishing every set. That is my main goal. Saturday I swam I few laps in the pool and for my 5th workout (Sunday) of the week I rode close to 10 miles :) and felt like my muscles had retained a little bit of memory from the weekend before so it made things a  little easier. It was CRAZY Hot though!!! A little more than half way through the ride It started to POUR!!! It was awesome!! Loved it!! LOL not crazy about the lightning but loved the rain :)

Yesterday was the second Fit Test and measurements. I do see areas that have room for improvements so it's time to kick it into a "higher" gear and get with the "New" program, new goals. Eat more often, walk more at work, and continue drinking lots of water. Also gonna try to get something to support my right ankle. For some reason it keeps trying to give out on me. I'm pretty sure it's lack of support, but we shall see. I'm thinking about adding a 6th workout to my week, but I'm not sure if my body is going to like that. It likes to rebel every once in a while haha!

It's amazing to think that we are already in week 3!! Still learning, still growing or loosing ;) I can see a big difference in all of my teammates, myself and what we've accomplished thus far. My coach Jackie is very motivational with her words. Always keeping a positive note. Continuously thankful for all the support from colleagues, friends, family and loved ones. All in all.... #Blessed!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 7: Crazyness!!! I'm used to going for bike rides every single weekend. Last weekend was one of the three times I didn't go. Man oh man were my legs feeling the burn!! It was a combination of the workouts that I completed during the week and a loss of muscle memory from the week I skipped out on biking. I felt like I was starting from ground zero all over again! I was doing the heavy breathing and extreme pushing to get up the hills. In all, I felt like I was not gonna make it. No more skipping weekends!! It felt so good to finish, even though my legs felt like Jell-O as soon as I got off the bike. hahahaha!! No Joke, Wobbling and ALL! lol  Looking forward to week number TWO!!! Yeeeeyyy!! LET'S DO THIS!!!!

Day 6: Saturday was a day of errand runs, but I took some time to participate in the Yoga WorX with Patricia Motley.  We worked on flexibility, strength, & relaxation. Took care of all the small little muscles that often get overlooked, like the class description says. It was definitely challenging maintaining control of all of the positions but not impossible if done often. Felt the muscles working everywhere. Looking forward to doing it again in the coming weeks.

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Day 5: Friday was a day of rest and outings with friends. Felt good to catch up. Went to a restaurant for dinner after some crazy HOT (literally) activities. Mother Nature is still MAD! I felt good with the choices I made. I have had only water, protein shakes and teas (no sugar of course) these past two weeks. I skipped on the chips and salsa at the restaurant, drank only water and limited the amount of carbs since it was late :) It was nice to take a day off after all of the work put in through out the week.