Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 3: I love how the soreness almost completely goes away while I'm working out. Getting those muscles hot definitely does the trick. I woke up sore, tired and sluggish, so this third day work out helped out so much even though it was definitely tough. I have learned that my upper body muscles need a lot of work. I can't wait for the next couples of weeks or the day when I can complete all of those INSANE pushups. I have been working toward eating more often and meeting with my water per day intake. I noticed and shared with my coach yesterday, Ms. Jackay (the best!), that in the mornings, instead of picking out my work clothes first, I concentrate in getting my gym bag ready before I do anything else. It's my favorite part of my morning and looking forward to my after work training.

BTW.... LOL Would laundry day count as my fifth workout? LOL I have been putting off laundry with all these post-work workouts...and OMG the pile is growing.  LOL Any volunteers hahahahaha JK.

Today is Day 4 and I am feeling energized, refreshed, alert and happy. It surprises me that I'm not sore today and have so much energy!! I woke up and before getting out of bed I turned on Pandora and had it going all the way to work!! Love those kind of mornings :)

So definitely my goal for all of next week's work out is try and get through the majority of all the different kinds of pushups. Looking forward to Day 4!! Let's do this!!! Woot woot!!!!


  1. Yanisse, reading this makes me want to give you a HUGE hug and say how much I admire what are doing!!! This journey, I am sure, is not going to be easy BUT there is so much you are going to get out of it!!!
    Very excited to see the next post :-)) Keep it on a positive note, "pain is weakness" :-)))
    All the best with today's challenge and all the push-up!
    P.S. Please just don't over do it, cuz we will be scared to come to work:-)) hehe

  2. hahaha Don't be scared LOL weeelll maybe a little hahahaha!!! Thank you so much Mariya!! You words have REALLY touched my heart. Loved your comment! Today is day 4, and the end of week one at the studio. I'll keep you posted :)

  3. You are a warrior. That is all.

  4. In the words of a warrior "aarrrrggghhhhhh!!!" Oh wait....that also sounded like a Pirate LOL

    You're the true warrior my friend!

  5. I'm beyond proud to be your coach!!! You continue to move up and man oh man watch out world....cuz you're coming hard and strong!!! Woot woot!!!!

  6. Hoo Ha, Hoo Ha! Spartan Roar for you girl! I can't believe you posted one of my favorite quotes that I tell my clients all of the time. It is so wrong yet so true lol.

    **Mind over body, keep up the excellent work! Big hug!**

    1. I posted it thinking of you Bro!!! Love you bunches!!!! XOXO
